Industry News - DCCS - Dry Cleaning Software Australia

Karl Chehade dry cleaning opens new 24/7 drive thru location with DCCS and Metalprogetti - DCCS - Dry Cleaning Software Australia

Written by Admin | Feb 27, 2019 7:58:21 AM

Karl Chehade Dry Cleaning (KCDC), have just launched their brand new 24/7 drive-thru store installed by DCCS Australia using Metalprogetti 24/7 Drop off and Pickup doors with a Spiral double height storage conveyor with retrieval at the counter.

Gone are the days where you have to schedule time for drop off and pick up of your clothes and also gone is the need to make it within trading hours. Their latest Magill location will offer all their usual specialist services but now their customers won’t even have to leave their car – the drive-thru service will see staff collect your clothes straight from your car. Plus, outside of manned store hours, you will be able to leave your clothes for dry cleaning via the Drop Off Chute or pick your clothes up through the Pick Up Window, all operated through an automated metalprogetti system.

“We are really excited to be able to offer a 24/7 Drive Thru service at our newest Karl Chehade Dry Cleaning location.” says KC Dry Cleaning Group’s marketing manager, Tara-Jade Reaich. كيفية اللعب في bet365 “It makes life so much easier for our customers especially for the busy individual, or the mum/dad who dread taking their children out of the car!”

With the use of Tablet PC’s to serve at the care and a bluetooth receipt printer, customers can either drop off or pick from the car. They can make their payment and while it is processing the Metalprogetti conveyor is dispensing their completed order to the counter to be placed in the car by the KC Dry Cleaning CSR(customer service representative). كرابس

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